November: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for Today: "Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you are climbing...

November: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for Today: Setbacks can be discouraging. Maybe it's not a setback at all. Could your setback be a step back for you to...

October: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for Today: Mistakes aren't always concluded as negative results. Look for the positive in your mistakes because they can...

October: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for Today: Contentment comes from within. It's an attitude and posture of the heart. Let's strive to be content in...

September: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for Today: Sometimes you just gotta keep praying! Be-In-Couraged! #beincouraged #beincouraged411 #encouragementtoday...

September: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for Today: Failure is not the end. It's the push to get it right and keep going. Be-In-Couraged! #beincouraged...

August: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for Today: When you've tried and tried to do something that you feel is important, and it seems useless to keep trying,...

July: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for Today ...and if not, God is still good! It's always a good time to praise the Lord! Be-In-Couraged! #beincouraged...

June: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for Today The tongue is a powerful weapon. It can produce a positive or negative outcome. Choose to build each other up...

May: Encouragement for Today
Encouragement for today It's okay to look up to someone. It's not okay to look down on anyone. Instead, let's aim to treat everyone...