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Have you ever received an invitation in the mail but didn’t open it right away? I’ve done that many times. It could have been because I was too busy with other tasks when I got the invitation, or maybe it was that I knew what it was and I could open it at a later date. I had plenty of time to respond, so I pushed the invitation aside.

The other day I was consumed about everything that needed to be done at work, at home, with friends, etc. It’s just so easy to get caught up, wrapped up, and tangled up in the endless to-do lists and demands of life.

Do we need to do all of the things we are doing? Can we slow down and have a more reasonable pace of life? I realize that sometimes I need to decide what is most valuable to me, and should that be a part of my daily life?

Luke 10:41, “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.”

This verse in Luke displays a similar scene, but here Jesus surprises us. He acknowledges that many things are pulling at Martha. Christ doesn’t scold Martha, or us, for the many things that can keep us busy, distracted, stressed, or worried. All of these symptoms can stem from good intentions. We want to serve our neighbors and provide for our families. But all these activities can leave us worn out and with little time to spend time in God’s word. The invitation to spend time with God awaits our attention. How will we respond?

Jesus was not angry at Martha for her busyness, or with us, but rather He is inviting us to spend time with Him. Inviting us to receive His word, strengthen our faith, and receive peace that only comes through Him. When we’re busy with all the extras we can miss the true joy right in front of us, we can miss the invitation to be with Jesus.

This verse gives us clarity, and directs our efforts, emotions, and energy towards the things that matter. Jesus desires us to be present with Him.

What does this mean to us today? It means that you should still be you. I will still plan out, examine details, and prepare for my day and days to come. However, I’ve found that writing lists of the many things I need to get done helps me rest my mind at night and open my invitation to be with God.

I encourage you to find ways that release you from the details at hand. The invitation to meet with God is right before you. Will you open His invitation now, or will you put it off for another day?

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